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Written by: Tammie Johncock 


Your Vibration is everything.

Your thoughts create the momentum. Gratitude for the simplest thing will set the positive change in motion.

Life happens for you not to you. Such a Powerful statement to implement, feel into every word spoken and "know" that very moment is blissfully sent.


Slow your pace and let life unfold

Controlling a situation or trying to get it 'right"

Energetically is going against your own tide

Paddle effortlessly downstream, surrender and enjoy the ride.


What can be more important than the energy you reside in

Not one thing should sit above this

Align yourself with non judgement, peace and love.

Each being truely knows this soul bliss.

Surrender to the will of life

And allow it to express itself through you

A presence that is never absent

A present that is "one", me and you!


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