Intuitively Guided
Whether it be in person or distantly, I am intuitively guided to areas in your energy field that are out of balance.
Intuitive energy work aims to view each individual holistically and help clear energetic, mental and emotional blocks.
Most of the common causes are from stress, trauma, belief patterns, ancestral and self sabotage.
The Energy imprints/patterns are stored in your energy field and can interfere with you being the best version of yourself.
I will work with you energetically and verbally to help restore balance in your life and aim to help you create a healthier, happier higher vibrational "you".


Dr Joe Dispenza
"Because feelings and emotions
are energies that emit powerful
magnetic fields,
the stronger the elevated feelings,
the stronger the magnetic field.
In fact, the HEART produces the strongest
magnetic field in the body
five thousand times greater in strength than
the field produced by the brain."